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Resource Blog

May 31, 20222 min read
Streamlining Employee Benefits Administration with Technology
Efficiency is a major key for any successful business. In the past few decades, the rise in technology has helped businesses improve and...

May 31, 20223 min read
Strategies to Make an Employee Benefits Plan More Cost Effective
With the emergence of Covid-19 more than a year ago, the demand and access to affordable healthcare has become more important than ever....

May 31, 20223 min read
How Voluntary Employee Benefits Can Help Your Business
Voluntary benefits, also known as employee-paid benefits, are services a company offers to its staff at reduced rates. The company then...

May 31, 20222 min read
How a 401(k) Is Good for Your Business
A business owner and its management have a lot of considerations that they have to make when running their company. There is a real...

May 31, 20223 min read
Comparing Different Types of Health Plan Funding Arrangements
Different Types of Insurance Plans for Your Company Health insurance plans are an essential risk management measure that you should...

May 31, 20222 min read
Three Ways your Business Can Fund a Group Health Insurance Plan
One of the most critical factors that determine the growth of your business is how well you treat your employees. These are the people...

May 31, 20223 min read
Reasons to Consider Outsourcing Benefits Administration Services
When a business entity feels that it cannot handle specific tasks, there is always the option to outsource. Outsourcing is the process of...

May 31, 20223 min read
Do Small Businesses Have to Offer Benefits?
Business owners of small businesses sometimes opt to not offer employee benefits because of the cost implication from statistics provided...

May 31, 20223 min read
Guide to Offering Benefits for Part-Time Employees
It is not uncommon for part-time employees to not have health care coverage. Federal law as well as most state laws does not offer most...

May 31, 20223 min read
Why It's Crucial to Have a Business Transition Plan
Transitioning Within a Business Whenever a business is successful, it can be tempting to just stay the course and assume that nothing...
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